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Growing our best for charity

4th December 2013

Growing our best for charity, just us doing our bit!


At some stage in our lives the chances are all of us will either be directly or indirectly affected cancer which affects 1 in 3 people over their lifetime.  Cancer is really a generic term used to label a group of diseases which affect various parts of our body such as; our immune systems, bowel, prostate and lungs. To date we know there are approximately 200 different types of cancer most which due to scientific research we know enough about to provide a cure or at least prolong our lives if caught early enough. Unfortunately however, our bodies are complex as too are cancers and there is still so much more that can be learnt about the disease.  
Unfortunately, I like many have endured the suffering which family and friends go through when someone close is diagnosed with cancer and is lost. It’s a shattering experience for everyone involved often one which we wrongly assumed would never affect us or didn’t expect to have to go through. The statistics are however against us and once we’ve brushed against a loss we realise just how short our lives really are and how important the work that charities do in both support and research for cancer related illnesses is.
As a company we are proud supporters of the work undertaken by Macmillan Cancer Support who provide help and assistance with all the things that people affected by cancer want and need during their illness. Whenever the opportunity arises, we take advantage of raising funds to support other cancer charities too. This last month presented the opportunity for us to attempt to grow beards for Movember. It was a delightful experience, spending the month going through the various stages of looking rough, scruffy and stupid before most people realised our objective was raising money for charity. We managed to raise £200.00, which we have all agreed  this year, will be donated to Marie Curie Cancer Care whose nurses and hospices also provide high quality care to terminally ill patients in the UK with cancer, and other illnesses.
I’d like to thank all the members of our staff who took part in Movember and to everyone else for their support and donations.  
Russell Rafton
Dryfix - Director



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