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Joint Position Statement

Joint Position Statement

Investigation of moisture and its effects on traditional buildings

The Joint Position Statement "investigation of moisture and its effects in traditional buildings" was launched in September 2022 and is the outcome of a collaboration project between the RICS, Historic England and the Property Care Association, which has also been supported by SPAB, Historic Environment Scotland, Northern Ireland and the IHBC.

joint position statement yorkshireThe Joint Position Statement has been an eagerly awaited and much welcomed document that outlines the basic principles and competencies that surveyors and contractors should adopt to deliver best practice when investigating moisture related problems in traditional buildings.

Whilst the document itself is new, the content is really just a merger of pre-existing guidance such as, BRE 245 'Rising damp in walls - diagnosis and treatment', BS 6576 'Code of practice for diagnosis of rising damp in walls' and other codes of practice published by the various organisations.

What is new however, is it's the first time these organisations have unified to produce a joint framework with the objective of ensuring a greater understanding of the construction differences and behaviours between traditional and non-traditional buildings with guidance covering the following criteria;

  • Understanding the building
  • Understanding moisture
  • Understanding moisture related defects
  • Condition assessment
  • Diagnosis and recommendations
  • Legal requirements
  • Report

To download a copy of the Joint Statement Document click here

The document will see best practice delivered in the diagnosis of damp related issues with a holistic, sympathetic and ethical approach to repair that focuses on causes rather than symptoms. Surveyors and contractors must demonstrate an understanding of the building's significance and the importance of materials and components used in its construction in addition to the implications of any repair strategies proposed.

Guidance is also provided on staged approaches to repair, how to recognise and deal with the causes first, then allowing a period of monitoring for the changes to take effect before progressing onto remedial repair or treatment. In many cases this may limit the overall extent of the repair and help retain the valued building fabric and the impact on heritage buildings.

So how can we help?

Whilst most surveys are non-intrusive particularly the case with pre-purchase surveys, the statement endorses invasive inspections and moisture analytics where necessary to accurately establish the cause, severity and extent of any moisture related problems.

This is where we can help. Our surveyors have been conducting invasive surveys assisted by industry recognised moisture analytical procedures for many years to deliver our clients with clear, unambiguous advice. Our surveyors are experienced, qualified and independently trained and examined by our leading industry bodies, ensuring we offer a consistently high level of knowledge and expertise.

We have our own in-house laboratory and our range of services in this field are extensive and cover all aspects of moisture diagnosis such as;

joint position statement yorkshire ukInvestigation of moisture and its effects on traditional buildings
joint position statement yorkshire ukInvestigation of moisture and its effects on traditional buildings
joint position statement yorkshire ukInvestigation of moisture and its effects on traditional buildings
joint position statement yorkshire ukInvestigation of moisture and its effects on traditional buildings
joint position statement yorkshire ukInvestigation of moisture and its effects on traditional buildings
joint position statement yorkshire ukInvestigation of moisture and its effects on traditional buildings
joint position statement yorkshire ukInvestigation of moisture and its effects on traditional buildings

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