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Insurance Guarantees - Much more than just a promise

York Harrogate Scarborough 10 Years Service Guarantees :: Dryfix PreservationUpon completion of our specialist work, you will be provided with our 10-year company guarantee. This provides you with the protection and peace of mind that, should a reoccurrence of your repaired problem arise, we will resolve the issue free of charge (subject to terms and conditions).

Insured Guarantees

Guarantee Protection Insurance (GPI) :: Dryfix Preservation As a professional Property Care Association Approved Company we are also able to offer our clients insured guarantees for all of our specialist work. This ensures that if our company were to regrettably cease trading your guarantee would continue to provide protection for the work undertaken by ourselves.

Our insured guarantees are provided through Guarantee Protection Insurance Ltd (GPI), A company formed as part of the Guarantee Protection Trust. The GPI is a completely independent company established to provide fair, transparent insured guarantees to protect property owners. The GPI is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority (FSA).

Our insured guarantees are provided for a small additional one-off fee and are specific to the property treated, so there is no need to reassign the guarantee for subsequent owners.

Insured guarantees can be provided for up to 10 years for specialist timber treatments, damp repairs, cavity wall tie replacement and structural repair work.

When comparing GPI members with other contractors you must ask yourself who vets those contractors, who determines their technical skills, are they Health and Safety trained and are they good enough to be acceptable to an insurance company?

Why choose an Insured Guarantee?

Insurance guarantees can only be provided by professional and vetted companies who have proven financial stability with an extensive level of technical and practical expertise and whom strictly adhere to industry codes of practice.

Is an insured guarantee the same as an insurance-backed guarantee?

No! All insurance policies carry insurance premium tax (IPT), insurance-backed guarantees don't, showing that they are not genuine insurance. Remember if you are not paying IPT it's not insurance.

Insurance-backed guarantees usually consist of annual calamity insurance with the policy in the name of the guarantee company. The guarantee you get for your property is simply issued by the guarantee company and there is no actual insurance on your property. Should the guarantee company fail to make its annual payment then the calamity insurance drops out.

'Insurance-backed' guarantee companies and manufacturers are regulated by nobody, therefore there is no compensation scheme and consequently no protection for the customer. Many manufacturers and guarantee companies have gone out of business, leaving customers with worthless pieces of paper.

Some guarantee companies and manufacturers offer a 30 year guarantee - your insurance is only for 10 years, why is this?

The Financial Services Authority (FSA) has only approved long-term guarantees up to 10 years. Therefore, if you have been offered a thirty year guarantee this, is NOT insurance and is likely to be 'Insurance backed' by a manufacturer.

If you would like to know more about insured guarantee's please don't hesitate to contact us.

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